A little zoombie clicking game to learn the basics of Godot. 

My goal is to be good enough to enter into game jams, so give me some constructive criticism please 

Works for most devices.

Also, post your highest score!

My high score is 125, can you beat it???

Development log


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Anyway, for constructive criticism:

Personally, I like the mechanics. The spawn rates seemed fair, the RNG was good, and over all a good idea for a game.

The audio used too many real life samples and sounded unnatural with your voice. In the future, use an SFX program to generate the audio.

As for graphics, they're good for a basic game, but you need more practice with graphic design before you can start making your first "real" game.

Overall, A very good game for a beginner, but if you're looking to be in a competition like a game jam, you're gonna need more practice.

133 ez

On a second attempt a score of 71

High score of 24. 

it  was very easy to start with but got very difficult very quickly ( on an android phone).

Loved the monsters, liked the background but wasn't sure what the rock lumps had to do with anything....